Monday, March 9, 2009

Managing your Weekends!

So you've finally made it through your week of classes and tests and are ready to relax!  But wait, you still have a paper due next week, maybe even a test or quiz too.   Now what are you supposed to do?
If you have a crazy week ahead and need to spend your entire weekend studying, think about getting your fun for the weekend in on Thursday night, especially if you don't have any important classes on Friday morning.  This might seem like a weird idea, but it allows you to have enough fun to get you through your boring weekend.  Another plus is that, usually, if you have something big coming up in a class the next week, there usually won't be anything due the Friday before.  So take advantage of the fact that a lot of clubs have "College Night" or "Ladies Night" on Thursdays and get off campus! (A good club close to campus that has a Thursday College night is Posh.  Make sure that you're up to dress code- the picture is an example of how girls go dressed and, guys, wear jeans and NO tennis shoes.)
For a weekend where you have a moderate amount of work to do, take advantage of daylight hours.  If you can manage to get up in the mornings, just go to the library and get your work done so you can enjoy your nights.  Besides, nothing really starts on a weekend before 11pm.  Try to get all of your work done before 6pm, though, so you can go to dinner with your friends and then get ready to go out.
Another good option for getting all of your work done is going out one night of the weekend and staying home the other.  To do this you have to plan your weekend to pick the best night to go out and the night that you're going to be the most focused to stay home.
However much work you have to get done on the weekends, make sure to make a plan and stick to it!  Also, if you have a week from hell coming up, start making amazing plans for the minute that you are free.

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